Report Guidelines

  • Reports should not exceed 50 pages total.  The recommend length is between 25-35 pages. 
  • Appendices should be limited and used only if absolutely necessary as supporting documentation.
  • Reports are to be submitted approximately two weeks before your scheduled presentation (see "Schedule" webpage). 
  • Reports are to be submitted by 4 PM on the due date.
  • Reports are to be submitted as one document in PDF format titled “Organization Name_Year Accreditation” in the following way:
    • Email to "" as an attachment 
  • Chapters are encouraged to highlight the entire academic year in the report.
  • Reports should showcase action and results and not focus on future plans.

An extensive guiding rubric has been created that all chapters are encouraged to use.  The rubric covers each metric and rating.  The rubric is not meant as an exhaustive “checklist” but should be used for examples and items to consider when preparing reports and presentations.  Chapters are still encouraged to use organizational values, priorities and requirements in crafting their Accreditation submissions.  To view the rubric, click here

Presentation Guidelines

  • Presentations are to be no longer than 40 minutes.  Remaining time will be used for panelists questions (up to 60 minutes total).
  • There is no limit on the number of members who may present.  Please note that the entire chapter membership is not required to attend the presentation. 
  • The presentation is open to alumni and advisors.
  • Chapters are encouraged to use multi-media (PowerPoint, Prezi, Google slides).
  • Chapters are responsible for setting up any technology needed at least 5 minutes before the start time.
    • Projector, screen and wireless clicker are provided.