Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the Greek experience here at Lehigh University.  FSL views parents and families as partners in creating a shared positive experience and we value your input and outreach.  In an effort to provide you with information and answer all questions, please familiarize yourself with the content of our website.  In addition, FSL staff members host many webinars specifically for parents and families throughout the academic year. 


Potential New Member Orientation: Parent Edition

FSL has partnered with LaunchPoint to offer a parent orientation module written by parents, for parents to better understand fraternity and sorority life. This program was developed to help parents of PNMs learn about the recruitment process, better understand the experience of being Greek, know the questions to ask their children throughout the process and much more. Any Lehigh parent can complete this program.

Click here to enroll 


Parent & Family Webinars Recordings

Parent & Family Orientation (August 2020)

Parent & Family Webinar (December 2023)



The Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) team and others in the Office of Student Involvement works with students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and other invested constituents to enhance the development of Lehigh University students through their fraternity or sorority membership. Our staff works with fraternity and sorority members to provide support and educational, cultural, and leadership development programs which meet their needs beyond the classroom.


Lehigh University requires that a student has successfully completed at least 12 Lehigh credits, has earned a 2.500 GPA or higher, has completed the Greek PREP course, and is in Good Standing with the University prior to joining a fraternity or sorority. You can find more information on joining a fraternity or sorority here.

Fraternities and sororities provide multiple opportunities for personal and professional development on a regional and national level. An investment in fraternity or sorority membership provides academic support, leadership experiences, life-long friendship, career networking, civic engagement opportunities, and the benefits of life-long affiliation. For more information about our chapters, please refer to the Fraternity and Sorority Life website.

Hazing is against the law in Pennsylvania and is a violation of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. If you are concerned that your student may have experienced hazing we urge you to report the incident by calling LUPD at 610-758-4200, calling the Office of Student Involvement at 610-758-4157, or reporting here

Lehigh is committed to providing a safe, healthy experience to all fraternity and sorority members. You can learn more about the University's commitment to haizng prevention here.

The costs of membership can vary by chapter and member, and may include dues for housing, meals, parlor fees, and programming.  Chapters and their respective alumni corporations assess dues and fees per semester, and often work with an independent billing agency to do so. A breakdown of the dues and fees association with joining each chapter can be found on our Costs of Membership page.
Additionally, some chapters maintain a residential facility or house.  The University owns these facilities and is responsible for the collection of the room fee.  This fee is used for the operation of the residential facility (maintenance, custodial, security, etc.)  The room fee is comparable to other University-owned residential spaces. 
The University has no responsibility or oversight regarding any financial matter outside of what is directly billed from the University for the room rate.  Please contact chapters directly regarding specific dues or billing questions.

All students affiliated with a residential chapter, including those that belong the the Cultural Greek Council, will be required to live in that on campus fraternity or sorority facility. Should you have any questions about this expectation, contact the Office of Housing Services at 610-758-3500 prior to joining a fraternity or sorority.

FSL maintains a strong social media presence, please click on the links below:

On Blogspot:

On Instagram:

Accreditation is Lehigh's proccess to review and assess all facets of fraternity/sorority operations. This process is key in the development and maintenance of chapter standards and evalues the contributions that each chapter makes to its members, the campus, and the local community. 

Accreditaiton is a great way to learn about the history, values, and progress of each cahpter. To learn more about our chapters through Accreditation, go tou our Accreditaton webpage by clicking here. Clicking on a specific chapter's name will provide an in-depth report.


Lehigh values transparency in our fraternity and sorority system. You can find a breakdown of chapter conduct issues for our recognized fraternities and sororities on the Conduct page of our website or by clicking here.  We encourage you to talk with your student about any incidents their chapter, or their perspective chapter, may be experiencing.

In the interest of transparency, Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) believes in sharing the new member education experience with all our stakeholders. New member education plans may not be more than six weeks and must be approved by FSL, the chapter's Inter/National Headquarters and Alumni Advisory Board.  When a chapter is conducting new member education, their new member plan will be an active link on our New Member Education Plans page. 
  • Lehigh University Police Department at (610) 758-4200 if you are concerned about the immediate health and safety of a student.  LUPD is available 24/7.

  • FSL at (610) 758-4157 or email us at

  • If you wish to report a concern anonymously, please click here.

We provide a variety of current and legacy information, including academic reports, on our website under Reports and Statistics where can be found here.