Accreditation Metrics

Chapters are evaluated on four or five metrics.  Each metric area includes an overall description, followed by criteria for each of the four possible ratings (Accredited with Excellence, Accredited, Unaccredited, Unacceptable).  Chapters are evaluated against the criteria outlined in the Accreditation Rubric.

  • This metric focuses on the development of individual members through the fraternity or sorority experience. 

  • Chapters are evaluated on cultivating leadership within and outside of their organization, promoting positive contributions from each active brother/sister, participation in programming through the national organization and building a strong sense of belonging.

  • Criteria in this metric include but are not limited to: new and continuing member development programs, incorporating organizational mission and values through programs, brotherhood/sisterhood activities, leadership development programs, participation at conferences (regional or national) and campus leadership roles.

  • This metric focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of the chapter. 

  • Chapters are evaluated on self-governance, day-to-day operations, financial management, internal accountability practices and use of external resources (i.e. national organization support, campus experts and alumni advisors).

  • Criteria in this metric include but are not limited to: use and revision of chapter governing documents, fiscal responsibility, standards/judicial processes, implementation of operational procedures, recruitment, member engagement in governance, risk management practices, organizational planning and compliance with University requirements/mandates.

  • This metric focuses on the contributions that the chapter makes to the Greek, Lehigh and greater Bethlehem communities. 

  • Chapters are evaluated on service and philanthropic activities, conduct record, promotion of inclusiveness, relationship with key partners and campus involvement.

  • Criteria in this metric include but are not limited to: community partnerships, service engagement, conduct record, collaboration with Greek and other student organizations, participation in campus organizations and events, efforts to promote a culture of inclusion and communication with alumni advisors and/or networks. 

  • This metric focuses on the holistic intellectual development of the chapter. 

  • Chapters are evaluated on academic performance, the promotion of academic success and building a culture of intellectual curiosity.

  • Criteria in this metric include but are not limited to: chapter and new member GPAs, Dean’s List, academic trends within the chapter, academic support resources (i.e. scholarship plan, recognition for achievement), activities that promote intellectual growth and development, use of campus resources, exploration of career networking opportunities, professional/career development activities, and relationship with both the faculty and staff advisor.

  • This metric focuses on the maintenance, safety and operations of a residential facility. Chapters are evaluated on the day-to-day processes of running their facility, collaboration with appropriate campus partners, facilities-related conduct violations and use of physical space to promote community values (i.e. academic excellence, inclusion and brotherhood/sisterhood).

  • Criteria in this metric include but are not limited to: management of openings/closings, communication with constituents involved in facility management (i.e. chef, custodial staff, Residential Services), accountability within the facility, common damages, life safety violations, house project management, occupancy, furniture maintenance, sustainability initiatives and use of physical space to promote community values.

Accreditation Ratings

Chapters are rated annually by an Accreditation Panel composed of faculty/staff, students, and alumni.  The Accreditation Panel observes the chapter’s Accreditation Presentation and reviews their Accreditation Report.  Each Accreditation Panel also has the opportunity to review any relevant, statistical documents related to the chapter (ex. Recognition compliance report, grade report, facility damage report, conduct reports, etc.).  The Accreditation Panel is responsible for assigning an initial rating recommendation immediately following a chapter’s presentation.  Ultimately, chapters will be assigned an overall rating that considers additional overall criteria, focused on the overall performance of the chapter throughout the year, and is not average based on the ratings received in the individual metric areas.  A final rating is assigned after committee deliberations have been finalized and all statistical information regarding the chapter has been finalized at the culmination of the academic year.

  • Chapter exceeds expectations set forth by Lehigh University.  

  • Chapter excels in multiple metrics, making valuable contributions to the Greek and Lehigh communities.

  • Chapter seeks unique and creative solutions.

  • Chapter not only uses widely accepted best practices and seeks assistance/recommendations from other chapters, councils and/or national organizations, but often creates new standards and shares them with other chapters.

  • Chapter demonstrates significant improvement year-to-year and/or maintains a high level of performance repeatedly.

  • Chapter exhibits strong adherence to values demonstrated through chapter operations, programming and individual member behavior.

  • Chapter excels at integrating reflection into the member experience.

  • Chapter excels in meaningfully synthesizing connections between other experiences and membership.

  • The chapter meets expectations set forth by Lehigh University.

  • The chapter is fully successful in all metrics and is a contributor to the Greek and Lehigh communities.

  • Chapter seeks new solutions.

  • Chapter uses widely accepted best practices and seeks assistance/recommendations from other chapters, councils and/or national organizations.

  • Chapter demonstrates improvement year-to-year and/or maintains a consistent acceptable level of performance repeatedly.

  • Chapter exhibits adherence to values demonstrated through chapter operations, programming and individual member behavior.

  • Chapter integrates reflection into the member experience.

  • Chapter synthesizes connections between other experiences and membership.

  • Chapter does not meet, or is otherwise inconsistent in meeting, expectations set forth by Lehigh University.

  • Chapter has significant difficulty succeeding on multiple metrics and does not meaningfully contribute to the Greek and Lehigh communities.

  • Chapter does not address organizational issues.

  • Chapter does not use accepted best practices.

  • Chapter struggles with addressing issues or challenges from previous Accreditation reports.

  • Chapter is complacent in seeking solutions or implementing recommendations for improvement.

  • Chapter does not demonstrate improvement year-to-year.

  • Chapter demonstrates behavior that is in opposition to shared community and organizational values.

  • Chapter does not integrate reflection into the member experience.

  • Chapter does not connect other experiences to their chapter membership.

  • Chapter failed to meet minimum expectations set forth by Lehigh University

  • Chapter fails in multiple metrics and is negatively impacting the Greek and Lehigh communities.

  • The chapter does not meet, or is otherwise inconsistent in meeting, expectations set forth by Lehigh University.

  • The chapter has significant difficulty succeeding on multiple metrics and does not meaningfully contribute to the Greek and Lehigh communities.

  • Chapter does not use accepted best practices.

  • Chapter has not addressed issues or challenges from previous Accreditation reports.

  • Chapter does not seek solutions or implement recommendations for improvement.

  • Chapter routinely demonstrates behavior that is in opposition to shared community and organizational values.

  • Chapter does not integrate reflection into the member experience.

  • Chapter does not connect other experiences to their chapter membership.