Cultural Greek Council (CGC)

Hello everyone!

My name is Jenn Ocampo and I am the Cultural Greek Council President for the 2022-2023 academic year. Our amazing council is made up of 3 sororities and 1 fraternity: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., & Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc., and Phi Sigma Chi Multicultural Fraternity Inc.. All of our chapters pride themselves on impacting the community in a positive way, whether this is through community service, university events, or creating a safe space for students of color on Lehigh's campus. I am continuously proud to hold this position.

Our organizations were created due to racial segregation, each founder saw something missing in their campus and decided to create something beautiful for themselves and the people that followed. The goals of our council include: the empowerment of individuals of color, service in the community, campus and community activism, providing a platform for students of color to voice their thoughts, and emphasizing cultural awareness across campus. Some of our traditions include stepping, strolling, and saluting which is seen at our popular event- the biannual Yard Show. Our council is filled with active, driven members of the Lehigh Community. Not only are we present in the greek community at Lehigh but also in clubs and offices like Latinx Student Alliance, LU Maps, NSBE, the Admissions Office, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Asian Cultural Society, to name a few. This not only shows how well rounded our members are but also the leadership roles they all partake in. Our organizations provide professional growth, networking, and a brother/sisterhood that lasts post-Lehigh graduation.

I joined my sorority sophomore year and it has changed my Lehigh experience immensely. I have continuously felt respected and cared for in my community while also being able to participate in a lot of experiences I may not have been able to before, like visiting a lot of different campuses for their own Yard Shows. Going Greek is a big decision and I encourage you to do your research and find what's best for you! The Cultural Greek Council will always welcome you regardless of what you decide. Feel free to reach out to me for any questions or concerns ( or OFSA!

Welcome to Lehigh, I hope you find your safe space and enjoy your time here,
Jenn Ocampo
Cultural Greek Council President



Interfraternity Council (IFC)

To The Members of our Equitable Community, 

My name is Wesley Patel, and I am the President of the Interfraternity Greek Council here at Lehigh University. Whether you are a potential new member looking to join, a parent, a student, fraternity member, or faculty member, I want to welcome you to the Interfraternity Council’s website. As a member of Lehigh’s Greek life for the past three and a half years, I am excited and eager to lead our community through these new, post-pandemic times. 

Reflecting on Lehigh’s Greek life the past year, chapter and council leadership have made great strides in implementing new plans to bring meaningful change to the way we recruit and the way fraternities are perceived. As a community, IFC chapters have participated in seminars for diversity, anti-hazing, and sexual assault prevention. We, the Interfraternity Council, are motivated to leave an indelible impact on our Greek community, and we are just getting started on developing the value-added benefits of fraternities here at Lehigh.

Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions about Greek life or the Interfraternity Council, as I would be happy to answer them.


Wesley Patel

President – Interfraternity Greek Council



Panhellenic Council


On behalf of our 8 Panhellenic sororities, I’d like to welcome you to the Lehigh Panhellenic Community! My name is Sydney Carlson and I am the Panhellenic President for the 2023 school year. The Panhellenic community here at Lehigh is amazing which is one of the many reasons why I am honored to have the opportunity to lead and be a part of one of the largest groups of women here on campus. 


As the Panhellenic President, I carry a great deal of responsibility to help our Greek community adapt to our evolving society. I am dedicated to this role and I wholeheartedly take on this responsibility. I plan to work diligently to bring change and push forward a path of progress. While we have made great strides in our community, we still have quite a long way to go. Our most recent addition to the Panhellenic Executive Board is the position of Vice President of Access and Advocacy. This year Kwynsky Miguel is serving as our Vice President of Access and Advocacy. This role seeks to provide education to both our chapters and the rest of the Lehigh population on how we can make Lehigh a more inclusive and accessible community. Kwynsky, and our entire Executive Board, are committed to making a difference in our community, and if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding this role and the initiatives it encompasses, please feel free to contact Kwynsky at

As a Panhellenic Council, we work to nurture and uphold a community of intelligent and compassionate women. Being in a sorority is more than just the letters we wear. It is the opportunity to be part of something much bigger than yourself and to immerse yourself in the greater Lehigh community. The majority of our members are involved in at least one other campus organization, you can find Panhellenic women playing on Lehigh Athletics Teams, serving on the Undergraduate Senate, writing for the Brown & White, participating in Peer Health Mentors, performing in Lehigh’s Musical Groups -- and so much more!

Sorority membership requires investment, this investment provides academic support, relationships, career networking, leadership experiences, philanthropy opportunities, and all the wonderful benefits that come from lifelong affiliation. We are actively working to create opportunities for our community to be more accessible. Every day we strive to be a community that young women will want to join, and we aspire to grow and evolve with each new member that we gain. If you choose to Go Greek, you aren’t just joining a chapter, you’re joining an entire community - one that empowers its members and holds themselves and their peers to a higher standard academically, socially, and professionally.


The women who make up the Panhellenic community are strong, driven, and committed members who create a network that pushes them to achieve their goals. I have gained so much from the Panhellenic community, and I am hoping that I can show you all how amazing the community truly is.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns at any point in time! My email is I can not express how excited I am to work with you all!




Sydney Carlson 

Lehigh University Panhellenic Council President