Greek PREP 

Students interested in joining a fraternity or sorority are required to attend a Greek PREP session. Greek PREP stands for Greek Pre-Recruitment Education Program. As a result of participating in this program, students will learn about the structure and mission of the Fraternity and Sorority community, policies and expectations, appropriate interactions with chapters, available opportunities that exist at Lehigh and proper communication methods. FSL believes this program is an important element in demonstrating to interested students the value of the fraternity and sorority experience so that students are best equipped to prepare them for the the opportunity of joining a Fraternity or Sorority at Lehigh. 

This program meets the 5x10 requirement for Creative Curiosity. 

Required New Member Online Training

Lehigh University is committed to ensuring that all students have the safest and most rewarding college experience possible. That's why we've partnered with Vector Solutions to offer fraternity and sorority new members a customized training program.

All new members are required to complete a learning module on Vector Solutions. New members can access their assigned training by using this link to sign into their account on Vector Solutions. This training provides practical training on:

  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
  • Hazing Prevention
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs

For more information or questions, please contact

New Member Fair

Beginning in the spring 2024 semester all new members will be required to attend the New Member Fair. This program is designed to help new members explore all that they can do with their fraternity/sorority membership by connecting with campus and community resources, learning about leadership programming available to them, and talking to current student leaders about their membership experience. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact

Events with Alcohol Training

The Events with Alcohol Training exists to educate chapter presidents, risk managers, and social chairs (or equivalent leadership positions) on effective event planning practices; law and policies related to social host liability; and harm reduction strategies.  This program is required each semester in order to host or co-host an event with alcohol.

Greek Emerging Leaders (GEM)

The Greek EMerging Leaders (GEM) programs selects 35 outstanding new members each spring to participate in this semester leadership program in the fall.  The program prepares students to be effective leaders and create positive change in their chapters and the Greek community. Participants are broken up into several small groups throughout the duration of the semester.  Each council has a mentor who will lead interactive activities, small group discussion, and share personal experiences to help participants learn and grow as a leader. 

Gender Violence Education

Each October the fraternity and sorority community is required to complete an annual gender violence prevention training. This program is provided in partnership with the Office of Survivor Support and Intimacy Education. This training is completed per chapter and at least 80% of members are required to attend.