Conduct Status

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The following designations are used to describe the organization's status within the University's fraternity and sorority life community. Find complete information on proceedings on the Student Conduct and Community Expectations page.

Definition of Status:

Good Standing--The fraternity or sorority is not currently in financial, academic, or judicial proceedings with the University or their national organization.

Disciplinary Probation--Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time that is not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further ciolation of the Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in Good Standing.

Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution--The sanction of disciplinary dissolution may be placed in deferred status for a limited period of time. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution that was originally defined, becoming effective immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional regular semesters. Disciplinary Probation may be imposed for a periods of time not to exceed three semesters after the period of Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution. Other restrictions on the organization's activities may be imposed.

Disciplinary Dissolution--Dissolution is the loss of University recognition for a period of time not to exceed five years. Dissolution is the loss of priviledge to use the University's name or represent it in any capacity. In addition, the group or organization will lose all priviledges to use University equiptment and facilities. At the end of the dissolution period, the organization shall contact the Dean of Students Office and be required to follow any recognition processes in place at that time. Dissolution shall be imposed for time periods of years, not semesters.

Disciplinary Termination--Termination is the permanent loss of University recognition. Termination includes the loss of priviledge to use the University's name or represent it in any capacity. The group or organization also loses all priviledges to use University equiptment and facilities. The hearing/ adjucation body shall make a recommendation for termination to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, who will normally implement the recommendation. If the Vice Provost for Student Affairs decides not to terminate the group or organization, the organization shall be dissolved for 10 years.

In addition to these primary sanctions, other sanctions may be imposed. A non-inclusive list of these secondary sanctions are:

-Lack of ability to register social events for a period of time

-Educational programming requirements


-A loss of the ability to have alcohol in the chapter house, regardless of the age of the residents

Recognized Chapters

Secondary Status

Alpha Epsilon Pi

Good Standing




Alpha Gamma Delta

Good Standing




Alpha Omicron Pi

Good Standing




Alpha Phi

Good Standing




Chi Phi

Disciplinary Probation

December 31st, 2024



Chi Psi

Interim Suspension

 as of August 1st, 2024



Delta Chi

Temporary Suspension

as of October 4th, 2024



Delta Upsilon

Disciplinary Probation 

May 31st, 2025



Gamma Phi Beta

Temporary Suspension

as of October 4th, 2024



Kappa Alpha Psi

Good Standing




Kappa Alpha Theta

Good Standing




Kappa Delta

Good Standing




Lambda Tau Omega

Good Standing




Lambda Theta Alpha

Good Standing




Mu Sigma Upsilon

Good Standing




Phi Sigma Chi

Good Standing




Pi Beta Phi

Good Standing




Pi Lambda Phi

Disciplinary Probation

December 31st, 2024

Social Probation

October 11th, 2024

Psi Upsilon

Good Standing




Sigma Gamma Rho

Good Standing




Sigma Phi Delta

Good Standing




Sigma Phi Epsilon

Good Standing




Theta Chi

Disciplinary Probation

December 31st, 2024

Social Probation

October 20th, 2024

Zeta Tau Alpha

Good Standing





Formerly Recognized Chapters

The following fraternities and sororities have lost their recognition by Lehigh University and/or by their Inter/National Headquarters as official student groups because they failed to comply with University and/or Inter/National guidelines.

To view a full list of formerly recognized chapters from Lehigh University, please click here.

Chapter Year Closed Reason Closed By
Alpha Tau Omega 2022 Hazing & Alcohol Headquarters & Lehigh University
Phi Delta Theta 2023 Alcohol & Risk Management Headquarters
Phi Kappa Theta 2020 Alcohol & Risk Management Lehigh University
Phi Sigma Kappa 2024 Hazing & Alcohol Lehigh University
Theta Xi 2020 Alcohol & Risk Management Lehigh University


Unrecognized Groups

Fraternities and sororities that have lost their recognition by Lehigh University and/or by their Inter/National Headquarters but continue to operate without University recognition, oversight, or approval are considered an unrecognized group. Unrecognized groups are not allowed to reserve or use University space, use Lehigh University's name or image, or represent themselves as an official part of the University community. Additionally, Lehigh University cannot guarantee that unrecognized groups operate with the same diligence to promote student growth and development or abide by University guidelines on recruitment, new member education, academic support, and other areas cital to the successful running of a chapter. There should be great concern regarding the well-being of students that choose to join unrecognized groups. Several chapters have recently lost university recognition and these groups may continue to operate off campus or underground.